Mrs. Danesi’s 5th Grade Math Classroom

Taylor Danesi / RJ Wollam Elementary 2024-25

Hello and thank you for viewing my wishlist! I appreciate your support towards enriching my 5th grade math classroom. The goal of my wishlist is to provide more hands-on activities to cultivate my student's love for math.
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About Mrs. Danesi’s 5th Grade Math Classroom

Your donations will supply learning manipulatives such as math dice, fraction tiles, and place value blocks to help engage my students in thinking that goes beyond pencil and paper. I would also like to include math games and puzzles to give my students an opportunity to apply their math skills in a fun and challenging way. Lastly, I will use my wishlist funds for classroom necessities such as personal whiteboards and headphones to ensure my students have the materials we need on a daily basis. I appreciate any contribution towards my classroom and I look forward to an incredible year ahead!

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